Paul Bratslavsky

I'm a Content Creator|


I design and build modern user interface components to enhance application performance using modern React and ES6 Javasript.

React Software Engineer

Currently, I am working on a team with other developers to create a financial loan brokerage management system using React JS and GraphQl.

  • Phone: +1 (737) 895 0299
  • City: Austin, TX
  • Email:
  • Freelance: Available

Software engineer by day. Content creator by night. When I am not working, I love learning new things and sharing them with others. React, Javascript, and C# are my favorite. But I am always open to learning and discovering new things.

During my free time on the weekends, I tutor a small group of students in programing fundamentals with Javascript and React. There is something about working with others in the community to build a project that I find very satisfying.


Here are the technologies I work with on day to day basis.

Html & CSS

Able to go from a mock-up to semantic HTML with pixel-perfect CSS using up-to-date standards. Familiar with Figma and Adobe XD.


Able to add behavior to static websites that don't require a framework with modern ES6 features. From rendering HTML to fetching data from an API.

React JS

Able to build a modern component-based application with React, React Routing, Context API, or Redux while consuming REST API to perform CRUD functions.


For complex state management, I am comfortable working with Redux. Have a good grasp of the store, actions, reducers, and providers.

GraphQL & API

Can consume GraphQl endpoint on a frontend React application. Able to write queries to use Apollo to handle data fetching.

Web API with C#

Able to work with ASP .NET Web APIs written in C#. Able to troubleshoot and make changes when necessary.


Profesional and deadline-driven Software Engineer with 3+ years of experience building modern and performant React JS applications.

Professional Experience

React Software Engineer

April 2021 - Present

Redhawk Research | Contract

  • Translated Figma mockup into clean and reusable React UI components.
  • Utilized GraphQL API to perform CRUD functionality to update the UI.
  • Managed complex state in multiple components via Redux.
  • Created private and public routes based on user roles and permissions.
  • Developed workflow management software for loan processing.

Software Development Engineer

January 2020 - May 2021


  • Wrote maintainable and reusable code using the latest ES6 Javascript and React features.
  • Implemented React Router for navigation and fetching dynamic patients data based on the URL parameters in a hospital EHR platform.
  • Utilized local storage to persist React application state and rehydrate Context API on site reload.
  • Implemented user authentication, password reset, and identity confirmation in a Patient Portal EHR platform.
  • Built custom React UI components utilizing Styled Components, react hooks, and Axios for REST API.
  • Implemented custom controllers in C# to write data to a SQL database using entity framework and ASP .NET.
  • Lead the team in establishing Git best practices utilizing pull requests and code reviews.

Frontend Developer

June 2019 - January 2020

Greenwich Point Marketing

  • Converted photoshop mockups to semantic HTML and CSS.
  • Utilized javascript to add behavior, user events, and modify the DOM.
  • Maintained and refactored websites and user interfaces.
  • Utilized chrome debugger to test and fix UI frontend bugs.
  • Created and updated custom WordPress themes.

Junior Web Developer

December 2017 - May 2019

Fluid Logic Design

  • Converted static websites into SPA React applications.
  • Created Class based UI components to manage state.
  • Used lifecycle methods to handle asynchronous requests to the API.
  • Added type checking with React PropTypes.


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.


Austin, TX.


+1 (737) 895 0299

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